18630444666 销售:18630444666

香河金鼎堂榆木白茬家具一家专业的老榆木白茬家具生产商。集研发、设计、生产、销售、服务于一体。其产品老榆木——风华木其纹理,刚柔并劲,自然纯朴,粗犷豪放,每一个板面就像是一幅书法作品,一幅国画,其作 品自然无比,丝条流畅非凡,视觉上非常过瘾,舒服,使人流连忘返!老榆木家具完美的体现了历史和艺术的结合,带着古朴,厚重,高贵的气质,进一步的强调了中式乡村田园风格的古旧之感,让你充分享受工作闲暇时的舒适情调,加上他天然的纹理和虫眼,彰显其中国传统元素之精髓!中国传统工艺卯榫结构是那么的考究,保持了中国人特有的审美,唯此演绎中国家居文化,那些通过家具言传意会的思想符号,聚合在一起真会让人沉醉其中。





Xianghe jindingtang elm wood white stubble furniture a professional old elm wood white stubble furniture manufacturer. Set r & d, design, production, sales, services in one. Its product old elm wood -- its grain of elegance wood, rigid and soft and strong, natural simplicity, straightforward and unrestrained, each board surface resembles a calligraphy work, a Chinese painting, its work is natural and incomparable, silk smooth and extraordinary, the vision is very enjoyable, comfortable, make a person linger on! Old elm wood furniture perfectly embodies the combination of history and art, with simplicity, massiness, noble temperament, further emphasizing the sense of ancient Chinese rural pastoral style, let you fully enjoy the comfortable emotional appeal of leisure work, plus his natural texture and insect eyes, highlighting the essence of its Chinese traditional elements! Chinese traditional craft mortise tenon structure is so fastidious, maintained Chinese peculiar esthetic, this deduces Chinese household culture only, the thought symbol that those convey meaning through furniture, gather together can let a person be intoxicated among them really.

The factory has a large-scale production base, advanced production equipment, selection of quality materials, and constantly absorb the advanced production technology at home and abroad, combined with scientific management methods, with excellent products dedicated to the majority of customers. Our factory with innovation, personality, unique design concept, always to the customer first "service purpose, down to earth, constantly innovative and enterprising, to provide customers with better service. Our styles are constantly updated to ensure the quality of each product. Can also be customized according to the size of the customer design, to meet the needs of the majority of customers. High quality products have driven the development of our sales business, the sales scope has been all over the country. In line with the principle of "quality for survival, reputation for development", the majority of customers trust and support.

Jinding tang mission: oriented to the future, continuous innovation, design, manufacturing, sales as the main body, to provide products and services, guide high-quality life, and make our staff and dealers to obtain good revenue.

Jinding tang pursuit: to achieve low-cost scale operation, set up a private model of success, and promote the Chinese home culture.

The concept of jin ding tang: we give full attention to the dignity and rights of each member, they only have different work division, no distinction between high and low. Our MrCreate conditions to help everyone improve their quality and efficiency. We create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere that makes everyone's work a joy.

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二维码 18630444666